Abscess Hollywood

By rockmycasbah85
So about a week ago I got an abscess on my jaw. If you don't know what that is, then look it up online (it's very disgusting). While the abscess was very painful and slightly horrifying, the healthcare system was a bit more shocking.

I'll start out by saying that when I was a little boy and I would get sick all my mom would have to do is call up the doctor and make an appointment for me to see the doctor. The doctor would fix me and make me feel all better.

Not today. In fact I was referred to a medical group of doctors after finding out I could NOT go to the emergency room without first paying out of pocket for at least 1,000 of my deductible. The medical group consisted of 3 doctors, none of which could see me the same day. While dealing with the 16 yo girl on the phone who kept saying things like,

"Yeah i don know what to tell you, like the doctor is really bisEEE today and he like can't see you,"

I started to cry. I realized that nothing in LA happens at the speed you want it to and I know this (I was once stuck in traffic for 5.5 hours). In fact, it took me calling back and crying on the phone to get to speak to a nurse who calmed me down and let me know about something called "urgent care." This is like a doctor on demand that takes place after hours. You simply pay your co-pay and the doctor sees you.

The procedure I had was quite painful, and very quick. Now I am on tons of antibiotics and my face is back to normal.

The startling realization from this was that when you have health insurance, you really don't have insurance against anything. You aren't protected from having to pay out of pocket for insanely over-priced procedures or will you actually be able to see a doctor. Let's hope someday things will get back to the way they were when I was a little kid.

All I want is a band aid, a lolipop, and someone to tell me everything is going to be alright.

Abscessingly Yours,

I Dreamt I Was Batman...

By rockmycasbah85
I had a very intense dream where I was Batman and in between saving the world I was involved in a locker room orgy. I really don't know what this means, but perhaps I am some sort of gay super-hero. I did some research online and couldn't really find anything of substance on this topic. I think that it MAY mean I have a desire to make an impact in the world or that deep down I am capable of saving other people and helping other people...including myself.

The sex was really good, too. Not gonna lie. I think the symbolism of the locker room orgy was that i have a desire to have a locker room orgy.

It's just a thought.


Re Cap: Unconditional Love

By rockmycasbah85
Cindy Sherman "Untitled Film Still #48"

So in the many many months that I have been gone here's some topics I would have covered:

Losing Weight, Gay Pride, Serious Relationships, Gay Marriage, Earthquakes, Heartbreak, Assholes, Asian People, Santa Monica, Van Nuys, Air Conditioning, Break Ups, Mexicans...And Many More.

Unfortunately, I just don't have the time (cop out!). Also, I got derailed by a serious heartbreak that occured roughly 3 weeks ago. Sometimes summer flings go too far and people get hurt. I don't know why this happened to me, but maybe it's that feeling you get when you are at the beach and the sun is blazing and all you can do is close your eyes and stare directly into the Sun. Then, quickly open your eyes (away from the Sun of course!) and all you can see is a purplish haze. A haze that makes everything look as though it is glowing effervescent warmth. In fact, everything looks like a decomposing poloroid with some sort of chemical process taking place that gives everything the tinge of youth. I think THAT is how I felt all summer. Like I was in some sort of bizarre chemical decomposition...but a good kind, the kind that makes you overlook people's hidden imperfections in persuit of love.

Enough pussy footing! I won't go into detail but every now and then you run into a gay guy who is dead serious about living a normal, productive homosexual life which mirrors a white picket fence hetero life. This can be very exciting for people who are into "different things". However, you seriously have to question that person's intentions. Are they seeking out this married life in attempts to make up for something missing in their own lives? Because marriage is really about acceptance. In fact it is the state accepting your love for another person and making things "official". Well I have never had to seek out acceptance from anyone to know exactly what I want in life, which is why I am completely torn over marriage. I don't mean "gay marriage" I mean marriage in general. Of course everyone should have the right to marry but in all honesty what's the point? It's just like getting a stamp of approval from the state saying, "Yes it's ok that you love someone and can commit to them. Congrats." Of course I am over simplifying things, but in all honestly I think love is the strongest thing that anyone can ever give to someone else. Not just any love, but UNCONDITIONAL love.

I think that a good, pure and honest relationship depends upon unconditional love for your partner. If you can express that everyday you are seriously giving them one of the most amazing gifts that humans are capable of. I believe that marriage is right for those who are capable of this unconditional love, however in the gay community a lot of our love we give ourselves and others is conditional:

"I will love myself if I can look like that hot guy."
"I will love you if you promise to share the exact same future I want, no discrepencies."
"I will love my gay son as long as he marries a woman and has a normal, heterosexual life."

These are all frighteningly commonplace in our community and it's really a shame. I was lucky enough to grow up in a household where love was ever present and ALWAYS unconditional:

"I will promise to love you always no matter what you do with your life."

In conclusion, this posting is really about the importance of unconditional love in our lives. Relationships which are conditional tend to be the most destructive and often times leave one part of the whole completely heartbroken because that half has given all the love they can without any strings attached. It's important to let ourselves go and explore this realm of love, but it's equally as important to realize that this love should be free from all attachments and should come from a completely innnocent and selfless part of your heart. I think when you are capable of finding that place in your heart and giving into it, you are seriously ready for a true and honest loving relationship.

Love (Unconditionally),


By rockmycasbah85
Why do we have a third set of molars? Is it just so nature can TORMENT us?

I recently had my bottom two wisdom teeth removed and I am still recovering. I had the surgery this past friday and for some reason I am still in a great deal of pain. If you ever have the option to not have your wisdom teeth removed, don't have them removed. This surgery is so painful and HORRIBLE. It's quite simple: a dentist or an oral surgeon rips the teeth out of your mouth. However, these just aren't any normal teeth, they have such terrible characteristics as being impacted or under the gum. Mine were impacted AND had curvy hooked roots, which translated into about an hour of a dentist digging and forcibly removing these horrible little teeth. Oh and there are still two more that need to come out. Well, let me be the first to say that those other two can rest assured they have plenty of time before i get them removed.

Oh, and i bought a fake tooth to cover up the gap left from the other one I had removed. YAY!


Laundromat Massacre

By rockmycasbah85

How deprived do children have to be that when they go to the laundromat they run around and act like they are at Disneyland?

This past weekend I woke up early to do my laundry before my friend showed up. I sat through the usual assortment of unsightly laundromat goers including:

My un-showered self
The old drunken latino men
The guy shouting at his grandmother in Spanish on his bluetooth wearing an over-sized gold crucifixion cross
The obese angry lesbian couple
The helplessly young couple with too many children

It was really the last group that set me off. While the dad was outside on his phone the little kids were wreaking havoc on the patrons of the laundromat. Somehow, I am always the one who gets the brunt of it and that day was no different. I had two VERY heavy bails of laundry in my arms and went to push against the door. Of course the door did not open because the little girl had been playing with the locks and locked the f***ing door. As she struggled to unlocked it i just angrily walked away and used the other door.

I really wanted to go up to the dad and be like, "LEAVE YOUR F***ING KIDS AT HOME WITH GRANDMA!" I mean seriously why do you have to bring your entire family to the laundromat? They f***ing run around and throw sh** at each-other like it's a f***ing playground at recess. I think every parent should leave their kids at home or one parent should take their kids to the playground or McDonalds, someplace, anyplace where kids are SUPPOSED to play around.

I don't care how poor you are, find the time to play with your kids so that they can look forward to something more exciting than going the f***ing laundromat on a Sunday.

Clean Laundry Chris

Nick Lachey

By rockmycasbah85

So as you all know last night was St. Patty's Day and I did the typical thing and hung out with friends from work. Well, through happenstance a friend of a friend of a friend is friends with Nick Lachey and sure enough he showed up to hang out with us. It was a strange mix of normals like us and Nick Lachey, along with his girlfriend Vanessa Minnillo. Overall, it was quite the event.

He's a cool guy (i think, we really didn't chat that much), he has a big nose, and he's short, which makes him cool with me considering im a cool guy with a big nose and short stature. He's a bit more in shape than me, but I think we would make good work out partners maybe if we did something easy like yoga.

The funny thing is that at one point in my life I was completely obsessed with "What's Left of Me" by Mr. Lachey. A completely ridiculous song whose dance remix is awesome to work out with. I actually almost downloaded it as my ringtone. Could you imagine that? If my phone went off right next to Nick Lachey with his cheesey dance song as my ringtone? How awkward! It's like when I started working at Jake G's management company and had to quickly run home and change my Myspace layout so that nobody could find out that I am obsessed. Some sort of 20-something pervert who puts up pictures of his coworker's clients and remembers their addresses. OK I don't remember his address, but still, I play back in my head every moment of the 15 minutes we spent together in his manager's office.

This of course is all spilling forth as I sit in my HGTV cubicle-esque office and try to figure out what Hungarian people are saying as they search for a house in Budapest. Ah, life in the fast lane.

Really, that's all that I have to say.

Luck O' The Chris

P.S.Oh, but it looks like we made Perez: http://perezhilton.com/2008-03-18-sighting-147.

HeeeeeeYYYYYY Hobbies

By rockmycasbah85
I was just thinking...

Gay guys and lesbians only share one thing in common, and thats the attraction and urge to play leapfrog with a member of the same sex. In fact, it has been proven that gay guys have more fun than lesbians. No joke and the biggest difference between the two lies in their choice of hobbies. For instance, lesbians have strange hobbies like: caligraphy, studying textiles, rennaissance festivals, raw foods, catamaran sailing, unatural obsessions with fuel economy and reading. Gay guys have fun hobbies like: party drugs, diva worshipping, public sex, beards, real estate, bodily grooming and omelettes. Of course I'm being sarcastic. The truth is that gay people will take on any hobby as long as it isn't currently occupied by W.A.S.P heteros. When was the last time you saw a gay guy join a civil war reinactment club?

And there is much much more on this subject, but right now all I can think of is hoping this freaking day ends soon so I can get home!

Chomping At The Bit,

Heads Up:

By rockmycasbah85

When?: February 9th, 2008

I never went to my prom. You never went to yours. Your friends all went and had a blast. So why not get a second chance? Come to "Stars Over Estara: Prom 2008" and get laid*!

Be amazed as we turn our humble little orange abode into an unforgettable senior prom. The punch WILL be spiked and there WILL be hotel rooms to have sex in.

Dressing up is highly encouraged as you WILL get laid**

Boys in ties girls in skirts. Vintage prom wear a plus!

Free booze?:Yes!
Street Parking: Yes!
Mustaches?:No! That was last year.

*note: not everyone will get laid. chances are higher of getting laid if you are a football player or cheerleader.
**Dressing up does not guarantee sexual intercourse.

Email me for more info!

Uhhhhh...WTF Mate? :-(

Category: , , , , By rockmycasbah85

Yeah so this is pretty f***ed up. I mean but we all knew that something like this would happen. Instead of protesting at Heath's funeral they should just do what they really wanted to do: have homosexual anal intercourse with eachother. That's right, they should have one big slumber party with twister and truth or dare.

The honest truth is that we hate the most in others what we hate the most in ourselves. If you hate the fact that you are gay and will never EVER be able to be comfortable with your attraction to people of the same sex, then chances are you are booking your flight to Heath's funeral to go protest. There's something to think about when your wife kisses you on the cheek on your way to the airport.

To prove my point, I jumped back to March of last year when good 'ol Anne Coulter began a glamorous and illustrious on screen publicity f**kfest with Corporal Matt Sanchez of the US military. The two began their affair after she found out he was attacked by liberals while studying at Columbia College where members of their Socialist organization called him a "baby killer." He was even honored at the CPAC for his courage for standing up against liberals. But, it turns out the only babies this guy was killing were half babies on some blonde back after the director yelled "shoot". That's right Mr. Sanchez (ironic?) was a big 'ol homo.

From huffingtonpost.com:

"As several gay blogs revealed late yesterday, Corporal Sanchez was known during his halcyon days as Rod Majors, a majorly well-endowed [i saw the pictures, and "well endowed" is an understatement!] gay porn star. According to Tom Bacchus, Sanchez was also a $200-an-hour male prostitute who advertised himself as an "excellent top." "

Most people know Coulter as a wretched insane lunatic who has written best-selling books about how Jews and homos(basically LA) are tearing this nation apart. Well, it appears that Anne did not do her research and let this "excellent top" dirty sanchez his way into her heart, which may be the case for these terrible people from the Westboro Baptist Church. All I can say is that more likely than not, most of the people who are headed to Heath's funeral may have a past, feelings or cravings they simply cannot come to terms with and the only way to suppress their own self hatred is to literally spit on someone's grave.

The bottom (he he) line here is that people who decide to protest someone's funeral are essentially the most pathetic humans on earth. With that said, I'm going use my connections to get ahold of Sanchez's agent and see if I can submit my screenplay titled "Bill and Ted's Excellent Top".

"Excellent" Chris


By rockmycasbah85

So we all know that Britney is crazy, but this takes the cake:

January 16, 2008 -- THE day before Britney Spears skipped her child custody hearing in LA to pay a visit with her shutterbug boyfriend Adnan Ghalib to the Little Brown Church , she was getting naked at the Betsey Johnson store at Westfield Fashion Square in Sherman Oaks. Spears grabbed dresses from the racks and disappeared into a dressing room with Ghalib. Moments later, she came out completely naked. "I was blown away. Britney's private parts were right in front of me!" a store employee told Life & Style. "I grabbed a dress to cover her, and she screamed, 'Get away from me! Don't you [bleep]ing come near me!' . . . Then she disappeared in the dressing room with Adnan for 45 minutes. They were making weird noises. It was disgusting." When the lovebirds stumbled out, "I couldn't understand a word she was saying. She was slurring and spitting and talking with a British accent," says the employee. "Her face was covered with cold sores and acne, and her scalp was patchy. I wanted to help her, but she was so mean that I left her alone. Then she muttered, '[bleep] you!' and left the store."

I don't know which is scarier the fact that Brtiney was running around naked or the fact she actually shops in Sherman Oaks. Don't celebrities always shop in Beverly Hills or on Melrose? Why Sherman Oaks? I understand that she lives in Studio City and all that is nearby, but I still don't agree with it. I mean have you been to this mall? The Betsey Johnson store is actually inside the mall next to Hot Dog On A Stick or something. I'm sorry I just don't want to pay top dollar for designer clothes when I know that 16 yo kids from the valley are gonna be making out on a bench in front of a fountain speckled with pennies and Cinnabon wrappers.

I like the Shoaks Fashion Square don't get me wrong, but I feel like crazy belongs in crazyland, not the 'burbs.

Salmon Brush

By rockmycasbah85

menchismenchismenchismenchis convo time '08

me: i really liked your "sam" impression.
friend: salmon brush?

later on...

me: will you still be my friend when i'm missing a tooth?
friend: no.
me: have fun crossing the street when you're BLIND!
friend: that's what cats are for.

It's been a busy week guys. Expect a blog sometime this weekend.