I went to disneyland...

Category: , , , By rockmycasbah85
...and this happened:

No joke. There were raver kids at Disney! Apparently there is like some horrible second wave of raver kids walking this planet. These kids were like all under 21 and look like they just stepped of a plane from 1996. The worst part was that the night before I had been offered ecstasy at a party. I almost took it thinking it was a Pepcid AC (I was really wasted and had heartburn). Luckily I didn't, but I will say that I was definitely still drunk when I saw all these glow stick twirling, beaded out, techno-rasta f***ks waiting in line for Space Mountain.

I mean this is a really lame thing to start up again. If I can think of cool trends to bring back, ravers are not one of them. Let's bring back something fun like honest to goodness 60's commune-living, indeterminate sexuality, chest hair showing off, HIPPIES! It woud be great! Just imagine hippies taking over the Gap at Haight Asbury and smoking basil-like weed in the middle of the day. I think that would be fun.

I really hope there are Jesus people out there to take care of these lost raver souls and send them back to 1996 Dr. Who style.


Glowstick Chris

1 comment so far.

  1. aeroplaneyes December 19, 2007 at 11:40 AM
    too bad i couldn't get a photo of them...it would have been a good addition to this blog entry.

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