
Category: , , By rockmycasbah85

Me: Damn that's the kind of shit White people do. They carve squash and serve soup out of it.
Roomates: But aren't YOU white?
Me: Yes and no.

Let's face it. White people do things certain ways and other cultures do things other ways.

What spawned this conversation? A Vons commerical which shows a bunch of little kids carving butternut squashes together. Are they making a pie? Making "squash bread"? NO, they are simply carving them out to serve soup from. This just seems wasteful to me, pointless maybe? I don't know, but I really think that White people are the only type of people who would get satisfaction from this. I say this because I'm pretty sure this was marketted at White America because the family was White(although I think there was an ethnic kid in there somewhere). I'm thinking if I came to my Hispanic grandmother and said, "Let's eat soup out of a squash, " she would say, "We're not going to eat it? Why?" If my Hispanic mother saw this commercial she would probably say, "You know that's so friggin' stupid. And WASTEFUL!"

I agree.

I guess I'm not saying that ALL white people would do this. I'm just saying that there are certain types of people in the media who would carve a squash and serve soup out of it and they are probably people like Martha Stewart, who happens to be white.

I think most of this really stems from my grandfather's nickname for me: "calabasa" which means "squash" in Spanish.

Bottom Line: Being half Hispanic and half White has it's benefits, ragging on White people in a commericial is one of them.

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